Becoming a Monitor
Our student monitors are the heart of the BDW. From teaching workshops to helping members with their projects, we take pride in what we do and are brought together by a shared love of the space.
Before becoming a monitor, our staff spend at least two months training as a monitor-in-training (MiT.) The MiT position is a paid “internship” which allows you to work shadowing shifts with a teaching monitor and learn the processes and procedures of the BDW. This involves a weekly minimum two-hour commitment, as well as the completion of an MiT project that demonstrates proficiency in our workshops or contributes a lasting impact to the space. To be eligible, you must be entering your 2nd through 6th semester!
Monitor-in-training applications for 2024-2025 have closed. Applications open in the fall semester each year and the Monitor-in training program takes place over the course of the following spring semester.
Job Description
Monitors have a diverse array of duties in the space. Monitors serve to create a safe and collaborative learning environment, encourage creative problem solving, spread knowledge about tools, materials, processes, ideas, and enforce rules of the space.
During their shifts, monitors are expected to:
Lead an approved BDW Workshop.
Enforce rules in the space—keeping it safe, tidy, and comfortable.
Record events and chores in the Monitors' Log Book.
Wear an apron to be identifiable.
Respond to member questions and assist with projects.
Outside of their shifts, Monitors must come to monthly BDW Monitor Meetings (during which new policies are introduced & discussed, and major changes to the space can be implemented). They should also be communicative with the rest of the team.